Calling all cyclists in lockdown! Join our “Stay Health” initiative & keep moving whilst practicing social distancing
Let’s fight back against some of that cabin fever. Get a well-deserved boost during these challenging times; grab your Carbo bike and join our mission to “Stay Healthy” together.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the lives of everyone around the world and, in one way or another, changed the way we live.
It is natural to feel deflated during tough times, and exercising can seem like a real burden.
This is why we’re launching the Carbo “Stay Healthy” initiative!
No matter where you are in the world, our e-bikes offer a great way to keep you moving, get out to clear the mind, or to run local errands.
And for those days when you’re feeling a little more lethargic, just put your Ride Carbo bike in ‘turbo’ mode and let it do most of the work for you! Cheeky, but you’re still getting some healthy fresh air, which definitely counts.

So hop on your bike and join our mission to stay as happy and healthy as we possible can right now.
Let other Carbo users know how you’re getting on by using #STAYHEALTHYRIDECARBO on Instagram!
As a thank you for taking part, we’re going to pick our favorite five photos by the end of July, and those lucky Carbo users will receive an e-bike accessories kit, no matter where you are in the world!
Some of you have already started to share your journeys, and we’re loving it - thank you!

And we’re pleased to say we have even more good news…!
As part of the ‘Stay Healthy’ campaign, we’ve decided to partner with the Downs Syndrome Association in the UK. With all the focus being on the Coronavirus pandemic, charities are struggling to make ends meet and raise any money at all.
This is why we’re donating $50 off every Carbo e-bike purchase worldwide to the Down’s Syndrome Association.

(Carbo CEO Lyne Berro and her sister)
Around one in every 1000 babies born in the UK will have Down’s syndrome, and it’s a cause very close to Carbo’s CEO Lyne Berro’s heart, as her sister has down’s syndrome.
Lyne says about the partnership: “I am happy that, despite these turbulent times, we are able to make a difference in the lives of people with Down’s Syndrome, along with their friends, family, and carers, through our partnership with the Down’s Syndrome Association and through our ‘Stay Healthy’ campaign”.

Even as lockdown starts to ease, many of us will continue to find the “new normal” way of life a challenge, and some days will of course be better than others.
But we hope our new campaign will help put a smile on your face whilst you’re enjoying your daily rides. You’re part of our global community of CARBO riders, and we’re all going through this together. With a little help of our e-bikes.
The Ride Carbo team